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Jumboo House [Pakistan]

Country/Region: Pakistan

Inquiry about Pancake Coil copper tube  [Pakistan]

Update Time: 2011-02-19
Valid to: Never Expired
Detailed Description: Dear Sir May we introduce ourselves as a leading importer and stockist of Refrigerating S/parts including Freon Gas, Pancake copper tubes in Pakistan having our own gigentic sales outlets in two most populated cities of Pakistan. Presently we are interested in importing Pancake coil copper Tubes in sizeof 1/2 and 1/4 -50' - 1.300K/1300G, weight 3K or 100G, 2.3 guage. Kindly send your bottom line CFR Karachi prices to proceed further. With best wishes
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Contact Details
Ms. Mohammad Ahmed
Jumboo House
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